Wednesday 29 June 2011

stormdry at dampaway

Damp is generally defined as unwanted water or at least, moisture, in quantities that are unsightly or could cause deterioration to the building or furnishings. There are several types of damp like penetrating damp, rising damp, damp caused by plumbing defects and damp caused by condensation.

Right now as monsoon is at shore monsoon damp is one of the big threat right now and here I am about to share  the best solution for this problem. Stormdry at dampaway is one of the best solution for masonary protection. There are various benefits of using stormdry at dampaway like:

  • Its is very easy to apply
  • It works as long term water repellent
  •   It Reduces heat loss
  •   Only single coat is needed of stormdry at dampaway so save bothe time and money
  •   It has been Tested to ISO 15148:2002 on brick, mortar, concrete and sandstone and that's whyit is guranteed solution with ISO mark
  •  It is proven UV Resistance
  •   Once you apply it, 20-30 year life expectancy. So no need to worry anymore once you apply stormdry at dampaway
  •   Deeply penetrating to you walls
  •   Alkali resistant – can be used over freshly painted walls

Stormdry at dampaway can work as boon for you and will take all your damping problem away for many years. You can apply stormdry at dampaway with brush, roller or spray. Spray is one of the best way to apply it on walls. Uslually airless spray because this can allow large sections of masonry to be waterproofed more quickly than would be possible using brush or roller application.

Read an interesting article on apply Stormdry

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