Monday 22 August 2011

Damp Problems - Comparing Damp Injection and Damp Proof Membranes

What Is The Damp Injection Method?

The damp injection method is quite a common way of dealing with damp problems. It consists of of injecting a chemical damp proofing cream into the mortar bed course within a damp wall. The mortar presents the only continuous passage ascending up a wall through which water is able to rise, and so the mortar bed joint functions as a damp proofing layer which moves dampness away from the wall. 

Note: for damp cellars or damp tanking where the problem is below ground, a full waterproofing membrane system would be highly recommended. Please contact a local damp proof expert if this is required.
Damp proof membranes would not be suitable for a damp cellar as additional waterproofing requirements would be needed.

Where Damp Proofing Membranes are better

in many instances, the damp injection method is not necessarily the best approach. Damp proofing membranes are an alternative for the damp injection method for use on damp walls. They act as a permanent remedial solution for problems such as penetrating damp and rising damp whether it is above the ground or in a damp cellar. Staining and discoloration, peeling paintwork/finishes, blown plaster, salt and oil contamination etc are signs of damp walls and when untreated will continue to make the wall damp. Damp Proofing Membranes have been used for many years as an alternative to the damp injection method, to permanently treat such problems. When it comes to damp treatment membrane systems, Damp Proofing Membrane Systems are considered to be an effective alternative to most conventional damp proofing methods such as a chemical damp course (DPC), damp injection, cementations and bibulous paint on coatings and external water repellents. This is because membrane system generally require minimal preparation, are quick to install, are considered to be most sympathetic to the structure, reversible and can be ventilated which make them particularly ideal for use on conservation and historic projects as well as for refurbishment, renovation and new build. When a damp injection or injected damp coursing used, part of the processing almost always includes hacking off existing plaster which is an extremely disruptive and messy process.

What's The Procedure?

In the damp injection system the holes are drilled to the correct size, with correct spacing and correct depth to ensure that the installation is effective. The gauge of the DPC fluid should correlate to the wall thickness. Due calculation has to be made for injecting effective diffusion. The buildings which are trickily constructed with different kinds of materials in poor condition require this damp injection treatment. Damp Proofing Membranes can be applied to almost any substrate, membrane application is made to walls, duly drilling, quick and clean fixing. The damp proof membrane acts as a barrier, protects internal finishes by avoiding any material changes to the original structures. 

So What Do I Do If I Have A Damp Cellar?

Damp Proofing Membranes are made for dealing exclusively with moisture held in capillaries and thus are exclusively appropriate for applying above ground. When external ground levels are greater than internal levels like cellars, there's a water ingress and hydrostatic water risk. Damp proofing cellars with damp proofing membranes won't work if there's running water. In below ground circumstances, a full waterproofing membrane system is a must, comprising pumping and draining systems and cavity drain systems.
Read a cool article on Damp proofing membranes here

Importance of Blood Circulation Boosters

As we know blood circulation is vital for human body. Proper circulation is vital for good health as blood is the body's main internal transport system therefore it is necessary that it will circulate in a proper way. If you think of how the body works, the basic action of the blood moving from cell to cell is of great importance to your health and longevity.
It is quite common in middle age and you can new health problem such as Hypertension, Hardening of the Arteries and Varicose Veins. It is caused by cholesterol plaque deposits along the walls of the arteries, making them harden and constrict. Because the arteries are constricted, the blood exerts great force against the walls of the blood vessels, causing the blood pressure to rise. Another common is hardening of the arteries found in those people who smoke frequently.
Ginkgo Biloba is all-round circulation boosters. Use it to treat poor circulation, thrombosis, varicose veins, cramp, and spontaneous bruising. It is most widely know for its ability to improve memory, due to its ability to increase blood flow through the brain. Gingko is used by physicians to treat varicose veins. Gingko is also anti-inflammatory, relaxes the lungs, improves blood flow to the heart and lessens coronary demand for oxygen -reducing shortness of breath and is helpful in asthma.
If you want to get your blood flowing and your face red with blood take Ginkgo Biloba. It will not only get the blood pumped around your body, but it will strengthen your heart, clear your arteries, and research has shown that hot herbs raise your metabolic rate by as much as 25%, so will assist in weight loss. Ginkgo Biloba is a wonderful herb for a healthy life.

Read another interesting article on circulation booster

Monday 15 August 2011

How To Get Size 13 Shoes Easily??

Most of the time very tall men have large feet. They face difficulty when they are purchasing their shoes. It is quite hard to find men's size 13 shoes, since this size is quite large. Moreover, if you are looking for some particular design then it is even more difficult to find suitable shoes for yourself. Sometimes, even if you have found the right pair of shoes for yourself they do not come in your size. There are many such situations where you face problems when you are looking for a size 13. The choices that are on offer are restricted and most of the time you do not get a perfect fitting pair for yourself.
However, with time, shoe designers and manufacturers have understood the growing need for shoes who has large sized feet. Hence, manufacturers are coming up with shoes, which are large sized. Most of the footwear stores do not stock such sizes because there is not much demand for large sizes in the market. However, things are changing and people are realising the increasing need of catering to people who have big feet. Hence, it would be best if you are looking for Men's size 13 shoes, then you should start searching over the Internet.
Online stores have a wider collection of different kinds of shoes, from which you can choose your perfect fitting pair. Over the Internet, you will find different sizes like 11, 12, and 13. At the online stores you will not have to think about the variety, design or style because there is enough from which you can make your choice. This is a growing market and more and more designers are coming up with different types of shoes that are large. You will be able to get any colour, design, and size, which you would want.
From now on, you will not have to get your shoes specially made. You can shop for shoes over the Internet by sitting at your home. You will not have to visit any shopping malls and hunt for a fitting pair. You will not have to jostle through the crowd and wait for shop attendants to come and get you your shoes. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you will be able to complete your shopping for men's size 13 shoes.
Most men prefer to shop online, because their needs and requirements are easily met without any hassle. Whether you have size 12 or 13 you are sure to get your shoe size at an online store. Not all brands offer you shoes in size 13. You have to search hard so that you can come up with a suitable pair for yourself. The Mustang Shoes and the Mustang trainers are two of the shoes, which come in size 13, if you are looking for men's size 13 shoes.
So next time when you have plans for shopping you do not need to go out to shop. You can just sit at home and get a perfect pair of shoes for yourself in just a few minutes. The best part is that you can get your item delivered right at your doorstep.
Read an interesting article on size 12 shoes

Water Seal

Sealing your pavers is a wise decision. Much like you should weather proof your wood deck with a product like Thompson's Water Seal, applying a sealant to your brick pavers will help prolong the life of your pavers.
Pavers are an aesthetic material. Functional, yes, however, most people agree that the primary value pavers bring to a home is their visual impact. Sealing pavers helps to add to this value. A sealer will protect them from premature fading due to strong or direct sunlight. You will be able to clean the pavers easier once they have a sealer on them. Water will bead on top of the pavers after a hard rain, just like it beads on your car after you've had it waxed. Mold cannot as easily take a foothold in the natural pours of the bricks, as those pours are now sealed. And most significantly, sealer will darken the pavers. When pavers are sealed, they have a wet look to them. Generally, the wet look is very appealing as it makes the rich, vibrant colors of the pavers stand out more prominently.
The sealing process normally takes two days. The first day the pavers will be pressure washed and cleaned. Any stains, mold, or mildew will be washed off of the surface of the pavers. Once they have been washed, it may be necessary to add more joint sand in between the bricks in order to stabilize the field. This step is not always necessary. Normally, newer installs will not require more sand as the pavers have recently been installed and there's a sufficient quantity. In older paver applications, a touch up of the joint sand is recommended after the pressure washing process. Next, the pavers must dry completely. Most paver sealers are solvent based, not water based. The use of a solvent based sealant requires a low moisture content. If the pavers are sealed, while damp, with a solvent based sealer, a white, cloudy residue will form on the surface of almost every brick. It is, therefore, imperative that the pavers are completely dry before the sealer is applied. The next day, the sealant is applied. To apply the sealer, we recommend using an air sprayer versus a paint roller technique. We apply two medium coats across the paver area, allowing about an hour between each coat for dry time. It is important to not apply too thick a coat as the sealer will not properly penetrate the pours. Once the second coat has been applied, let the sealer dry overnight before using the area.
When asked whether a sealer should be applied, we consistently recommend that it should. If you have recently just installed pavers or if you've had pavers for ten years and you want to freshen them up, cleaning and sealing them is a sound investment in their well being. It is not a necessary step to owning pavers, but one that will allow you to enjoy them looking beautiful for a long time.

Read an interesting article regarding Damp Proof Course here

Monday 8 August 2011

Damp proofing membranes – Complete Overview

When it comes to rising damp treatment, membrane systems like the ones provided by John Newton and Company are considered to be an effective alternative to most conventional damp proofing methods such as chemical damp proof courses (DPCs), cementations and bibulous paint on coatings and external water repellents. This is because membrane systems generally require minimal preparation, are quick to install, and are considered to be most sympathetic to the structure. They are reversible and can be ventilated which make them particularly ideal for use on conservation and historic projects as well as for refurbishment, renovation and new build where rising damp treatment is required.
When an injected damp proof course is used in damp walls where rising damp treatment is needed, part of the process almost always includes hacking off existing plaster which is an extremely disruptive and messy process. Drilling and injecting the chemical DPC is an exact science in that the holes have to be drilled to the right diameter, at the right spacing and to the correct depth if the installation it to be effective. The exact gauge of DPC cream or fluid in relation to the thickness of the wall and what it is built from need to be calculated and used to achieve totally effective diffusion into the substrate which is especially tricky in buildings constructed of varied materials or poorly built structures where there are large fishers and voids. As a rising damp treatment, damp proofing membranes can be applied over most existing wall finishes without the need to remove them. No guess work is required and the membranes are offered up to the walls, drilled and fixed quickly and cleanly the same way to almost any substrate. The damp-proofing membranes provide an impervious barrier to protect the internal finishes which require rising damp treatment, without changing the status quo of the wall.
If a DPC fluid is used then the active ingredient is mixed with water as the carrier and so you are effectively introducing more fluid into an already damp wall thus making it wetter! If there is any organic material like timber (skirting boards, door linings, architraves, fixing blocks etc) in contact with the damp wall then there is a risk that wood rotting fungi like dry or wet rot could germinate and in many cases cause serious decay. Dry rot treatment in particular can be very disruptive and expensive. Damp timber will also promote and harbor wood boring insects more commonly known as woodworm. Infestation by wood boring insects can have a detrimental effect to the timber which may result in the need to completely remove and replace the item or wood worm treatment by a specialist wood worm treatment company may be necessary. Membrane systems completely isolate the decorative joinery and timber items from any dampness in the walls thus prolonging their longevity.
Another advantage that damp proofing membranes have over injected chemical DPCs as a rising damp treatment is that chemical DPCs are almost always installed with a recommendation to re-plaster the wall at least to a height of 1.2m with a dense plaster and with a salt retardant additive in the plaster mix. The plastering will be considered by the contracted damp specialist to be as vital a part of this system as the chemical DPC and therefore achieving the right combination of sand, cement and salt retardant additive is absolutely crucial if it is to achieve its design function. Damp Specialists will rarely give a guarantee for the work if the associated salt retardant plastering is not done and if it is done by someone else then the end user faces a split responsibility situation if something goes wrong in the future.
Damp proofing membranes factor out human error when it comes to application of the injected damp proof course and the associated re-plastering when used as a rising damp treatment, or for dealing with other damp problems. John Newton & Company Damp Proofing Membranes are a physical product manufactured identically at source and once applied to the wall are guaranteed to protect the internal finishes from dampness and salting. They do not rely on correct mixing and a level of chemical reaction and performance to be effective.
Attempts to combat penetrating damp with cementations or bibulous products often fail due to a lack of effective preparation work. These products are only as good as the surface to which they are applied and therefore exhaustive and very thorough preparation of the surface is required prior to their application. This can be disruptive time consuming and expensive. They need to be applied 100% defect free to be effective and often defects cannot be seen due to the nature of how the products have to be mixed and applied. As a rising damp treatment, or a treatment for many other damp problems, Newton Damp Proofing Membranes would be the ideal solution.
Thus Newton Damp Proofing Membranes would be the permanent and effective product to use as a rising damp treatment, and for many other damp problems. For information about the full waterproofing product range visit Newton Membranes.

Read another interesting article about Damp proof membrane